22 October 2008

ATC Show-in-a-Show

Sorry I haven't written in so long. I've been busy with my Featured Artist Show -- a lot more work than I ever imagined it would be! -- and the ATC Show-in-a-Show at the Redlands Art Association. We had a great time at both events!

On the 11th and 12th, Sandy Davies and I worked hard to hang the show.  We had 127 ATCs and  29 ACEOs from 16 different artists. There was some small controversy about us accepting ACEOs, but as an art gallery, we encourage emmerging artists to sell their work, so we decided to accept them.  The cards were mixed up and hung from dowel rods at eye level in 9-pouch sleeves. In order to really show off each card to its best, we only displayed five in a sleeve -- at the four corners and in the center. To hang the horizontal cards -- of which we had quite a few -- we used regular photo sleeves. They worked out really well. That's me standing with one of the dowel rods. 

The reception and viewing was from 10AM to 2PM (of course, there was also public viewing all week long while the show was up). We took the show down from 2-3, and swapped from 3-4. It was great fun, the swap was! It was mostly very civilized, but it did get a little frantic at the height of the swapping! Some of the artists took the price tags off their ACEOs and swapped them, too.

Sandy and I learned a lot about organizing the show from this experience. We can't wait for next year to do it again. Some of the participants are clamoring for quarter

1 comment:

Pallas said...

Your show looks like it was fun, wish I could have seen it.
