10 December 2008

Big News!

It's several days -- even a couple of weeks -- old, but I've been keeping it to myself for some reason. Now, I think I can safely share it with everyone. Husband-John got a great new job! He'll be working at Fort Irwin as a Data Analyst. Fort Irwin is about 119 miles northeast of Redlands (about 45 miles northeast of Barstow), so we'll have to move. It's definitely too far for John to drive everyday. Until we get ready to move, he'll probably stay up there during the week and come home on week-ends. 

John went on the payroll December first. Right now, he is at Fort Gordon (Augusta, Georgia) for training. He says the class is interesting and the people he's meeting are pretty nice. I miss him, but I'm happy for his adventure, too. 

I have really mixed feelings about moving. On the one hand, we've lived in Redlands for almost 10 years and that's the (way) longest I've lived anywhere as an adult. I am becoming restless. Our apartment is getting too small for us, so the opportunity to live some place bigger (maybe even with a creative area for me!) is exciting. On the other hand, we have a life here, with friends and family. The clerks at Von's know us by name and we feel comfortable and welcome in the shops and restaurants that we frequent. John's parents are here, and it will be difficult to leave them. I genuinely like and admire his parents and enjoy their company. I'm the treasurer at the Redlands Art Association and I enjoy that work very much. It's very challenging for me, but ultimately, it's a good activity for me. Like I said, mixed feelings ...

If you know anything about the Silver Lakes/Barstow/Fort Irwin area, please either leave me a comment or drop me a note and share what you know! Especially if you know anything about the state of the art community in the area -- I'd really like to know about that. 


Lynn Cohen said...

I know nothing about where you are headed, however, I like to view change as opportunity for growth and learning new things. So it's an open window for all that and more for you. Exciting! Sounds like you'll only be a couple of hours away from John's family for visiting...back and forth...
and Silver Lakes sounds pretty!
Good luck with the new move and adventure!

Thanks for coming to my blog today and leaving such a lovely compliment for my quiltlet "Stellar". Sweet! I'm putting her in a show this weekend.

Pallas said...

It has been 16 years since I visited Ft. Irwin, so I don't know what it is like today. You won't be too far from family, and you will have the oportunity to make some new friends as well.

Maybe we can meet for lunch sometime before you go.