I have a few followers, a few more loyal readers, and the occasional random visitor. I appreciate all of you, and yet, I don't treat you with the respect that you deserve. I don't blog on a regular basis, and recently, I haven't even been very good at acknowledging comments the way I should.
First of all, I want to let you all know that I really appreciate all of you who read/commented on my post about B'Orange. Your companionship and compassion are comforting.
Secondly, thanks for hanging in there with me through my hit-and-miss blogging. You'll be happy to know that I've been taking stock and have recommitted myself to my blog. I recently purchased Tara Gentile's (of scoutie girl) ebook "52 Weeks of Blogging Your Passion" -- a book dedicated to helping creative bloggers stay on point with their blogs. I'll be working through it over the upcoming year, so I expect that this blog will grow into a regular source of information about me, my art, my process and my life.
One of the first exercises Tara has us do is create a mission statement for our blog and share it with our readers. I hesitated on this exercise at first, not sure that I wanted to be that formal. Then, I decided that I'd wasted my money on the book if I wasn't going to do even the first exercise! So, after much thought and editing, here's my mission statement for Mixed Grill Favorites:
Mixed Grill Favorites is devoted to sharing my journey as I continuely grow, evolve, and mature as an artist and writer. Sharing my creative processes so that others can gain greater understanding of my art and writing, and of their own creativity, brings me joy. My website is a way to connect with other artists and writers -- and lovers of art and the written word -- so that I can find inspiration and share it with others!
Lastly, I'm working on some other creative projects that will support this blog. I'm working on a comprehensive website to house my blog and showcase my art. That should be ready by late spring. I have another project that I'm very excited about -- but not ready to share details about! It should be ready by mid-March. I'll write more about it as the time for its unveiling approaches. I think you'll be as excited as I am!
Thanks again for hanging in there! You are appreciated!
One of the first exercises Tara has us do is create a mission statement for our blog and share it with our readers. I hesitated on this exercise at first, not sure that I wanted to be that formal. Then, I decided that I'd wasted my money on the book if I wasn't going to do even the first exercise! So, after much thought and editing, here's my mission statement for Mixed Grill Favorites:
Mixed Grill Favorites is devoted to sharing my journey as I continuely grow, evolve, and mature as an artist and writer. Sharing my creative processes so that others can gain greater understanding of my art and writing, and of their own creativity, brings me joy. My website is a way to connect with other artists and writers -- and lovers of art and the written word -- so that I can find inspiration and share it with others!
Lastly, I'm working on some other creative projects that will support this blog. I'm working on a comprehensive website to house my blog and showcase my art. That should be ready by late spring. I have another project that I'm very excited about -- but not ready to share details about! It should be ready by mid-March. I'll write more about it as the time for its unveiling approaches. I think you'll be as excited as I am!
Thanks again for hanging in there! You are appreciated!