18 April 2007

A Little Bit Of Art

I'm not feeling well today -- nothing serious, just some asthma related something, I think -- so I haven't felt like doing much. I've got an email out in the ethers that I'm waiting to hear back on and I'm waiting for a return phone call. All that waiting can make the time go by slowly, especially when one's not feeling up to par, so I decided to work on my art a little bit. I'm really inspired by these people who do an art a day. I'd love to be one of them, but I just don't have the discipline. Today, I worked on ATCs, or Artist Trading Cards. I did the backgrounds last night and finished them up today. I love ATCs because they can be quick to produce. Thanks to Lisa Vollrath's tutorial on Go Make Something, I've found a way to keep from junking them up too badly. One of my big problems with collage art is knowing when to stop! I'd provide a link to the tutorial, but you have to be a registered user to access the articles. Registration is free and the information you get is worth the trouble!

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