15 August 2008

37days Update

Remember the ages ago 37days project? Well, the book, Life is a Verb, is available at Amazon and on local bookshelves! I've been sitting on my hands to keep from going to our local Barnes & Noble to look at the book. I'm getting a signed copy since some of my art work is in the book, and I want to see it in my copy. I was only notified that some of my artwork was accepted, but not which pieces were accepted; I'm dying to find out which one(s) are in there!

I've read four of the 37 essays in the book -- they are good! Run -- don't walk! -- to your favorite bookseller and pick up a copy today. Not only will you get some excellent reading, but you'll get some wonderful art, to boot!


pattidigh said...

My dear Cindy - I hope you'll enjoy knowing that all four of your pieces of fantastic art are in the book! A copy is on its way to you!

julhynes said...

That's awesome! Congratulations! [on my way to amazon.com to take a look] :)

Jill said...

WOW!! FOUR pieces made it into the book...that's so awesome!! Congrats, Cindy, on all your hard work. :)

trisha too said...

how exciting is that???

it's not even my artwork, and i'm feeling all shiny for you--

very congratulations!


Cindy--HOW WONDERFUL for you!! That must be a great rush..I wouldn't be able to wait until my copy came..I'd be running to Barnes & Nobles!!!!

I will pick it up the next time I am there!!
